CBL - Competency Based Learning
A contract is an opportunity for a student to earn course credit outside of the regular school day. A student may earn up to .25 credits per contract.
Who can ask for a Contract? Any 10th – 12th grade student can ask for a contract but the student must be on Green Status. Seniors have first priority, followed by Juniors, and then Sophomores with special circumstances (must be approved by entire department). Some students may be able to work on contracts during the regular school day—as a scheduled class period.
How do I ask for a contract? If you meet the criteria above, bring your CBL Contract Form (you get this form from your counselor) to the Contract Learning Teacher. Your counselor will tell you who this person is. The Contract Learning Teacher will provide the CBL packet that is contracted.
When are the contracts due? Contracts can always be turned in early, but there are two specific due dates for 1st and 2nd semester. If you take out a contract in the first semester, all the work must be handed in by the end of the semester or you will receive an incomplete. If you take out a contract in the second semester it is due by the last day of school. Any contracts turned in after these dates will not earn any credit.
Seniors must have all contracts COMPLETED one week prior to graduation